Monday, July 18, 2011

Stop Riding The Fence

I went to an Astros game this weekend, and after the game we stayed for a David Crowder concert. He is a Contemporary Christian artist. This particular Astros game was designated "Faith and Family Night", so there were many people there with their children.  As things were getting geared up for the concert portion of the evening, a man, his wife and three children were seated in the row in front of us.  The children were not hyper, they stayed seated for the most part, not acting up at all.  The mom was glued to her Iphone texting someone, and her daughter kept trying to ask her a question. The mom in a very hateful tone and facial expression, told her daughter to stop bothering her. The little girl just sat back in her seat and didn't try to interact with her mom anymore.

When the concert began, the mom quickly put away her phone and began clapping with the music and smiling.  She would close her eyes and raise her hands, as many others were doing in response to the music.  During one of the songs, one of the little boys was trying to talk to the other little boy and he was using kind of a loud voice because the music was so loud.  She went from raising her hands "worshiping" to leaning over in his direction and yelling at him to BE QUIET! Then she went on to tell him, "I'm NEVER bringing you to anything else...mark my word!"...So hateful.  She went straight from yelling at her son, to putting her hands right back up and "worshiping".

I couldn't help but think, this is how a lot of Christians are on a daily basis. She was giving me and example of how throughout our lives, we can be "holy, worshiping, God following" people, then in a blink of an eye, we become "compromising, indecisive, hypocritical" people.  There is a passage from the Bible that says:
                               “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot.
                                 I wish you were either cold or hot! So, because
                                 you are neither cold or hot, I will spit you out of my mouth."

We can't be lukewarm about Christ. If we talk the talk, we have to walk the walk. Trust me, I haven't always done this! I have failed over and over again. However, I can't deny what the Bible teaches me about it. If I believe in Christ and I believe in His commands, I can't just pick the ones that suit me....I have to live it out.....ALL of it!

I can't raise my hands in worship on Sunday and then fill myself with things God does not approve of during the week. I can't nod my head in agreement with the preacher when he says "love your neighbor", and then walk right past someone who will not get to eat that day.

I either have to be hot or cold...not lukewarm. I need to stop riding the fence and pick a side. I want to choose HOT! I want to be on fire for God and obedient to His commands for my life!