Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What About Me? What About Me? What About Me?

Have you ever said that to yourself? Maybe not in those exact words, but you've thought it. I think at one time or another, we all have. We see the guy who keeps getting all the great stock options when our 401K is getting smaller. You see the girl that just graduated college with no experience, get the job that you have been working from temp to perm for 10 years. Or what about the kid who gets all the scholarships for various colleges and you can't even get one. Yeah, we've all thought it before......What about me?

I think the important thing to remember is to not dwell on the question in the wrong light. It's only natural for us to think it, to feel it. But if we linger there too long, then it becomes a poison inside of us that no good can come from. Really, what does anger and pity for yourself get you? Nothing.  It can however, inspire you. Inspire you to change what you can. When you get knocked down, it's important not to stay there very long. One thing that I have found is to take a step back out of the situation, and look at things from a different angle.

One evening last week, our family went to a new Chinese Food Buffet. When we walked in, there were six long areas of nothing but food! As we took our plates and began filling them, I looked down at my six year old getting things for her plate. I thought, WOW! How privileged we are and we don't even know it.

I came home and looked up the word privilege:  special advantage, immunity, permission, right, or benefit granted to or enjoyed by an individual.

I have found that when I begin asking myself, "What about me?" I am now asking it in a different way....."What about me? What about all of the privileges I have? What about all of the good things that I get to enjoy? What about the air in my lungs?"

I wish we all could turn that question around and ask it in a way that makes us truly grateful for all of the things that we have. Then, in turn, look around for people who we can help. One sure fire way to be thankful for what you have, is to help someone who is going through a rough patch.  Look around you. You can always find someone who needs your help!