Monday, November 15, 2010

Three Things I Take For Granted

Yesterday, my oldest daughter and I were shopping, and I jokingly said, "let's hold hands". Of course she just laughed and politely said No.  But I was thinking how just the other day she was so little and she held my hand all the time.  So, this morning, I fixed my 5 year old some oatmeal. After she finished eating, I needed to get her dressed for school, so I took her by the hand and led her from the kitchen table over to the couch where her clothes were.  It only took about 7 seconds to do that, but in those 7 seconds, I felt her little hand in mine and it occurred to me how I take that for granted.  There weren't any cars around or strangers; I didn't need to hold her hand and she didn't need to hold mine.  But it was just automatic that I reached for her hand and she willingly took mine.  I enjoyed that 7 second walk so much this morning.  I don't ever want to take those hand holding moments for granted, because I know I'm gonna blink a few times and she will be all grown up and we won't hold hands anymore......So I'm gonna take every opportunity to hold her hand even if it's only for a few seconds.

The second thing I know I take for granted is a peaceful home.  On most days you can find Curious George playing quietly on the T.V., and an Ipod playing not so quietly from upstairs.  No one is yelling, things are organized, and we all work in sync together.  Yesterday, however, we had a mini-meltdown in the van on the way home from church. Yes, that's right..we had just been to church hearing about how to love each other the way Jesus loved people, etc. etc. But things were just out of whack for us and by the time we pulled into the driveway, which was only about a 10 minute drive, there were tears and everyone was upset with each other.  Of course, by the end of the day everything was fine. This morning, Curious George was playing quietly downstairs, and music was coming from upstairs, and I had my coffee in hand and getting things together for the day; peacefully.  I don't like it when those Out-of-Whack days happen, but it did make me realize that I take my peaceful home for granted.  Now, everyone is gone to work and to school.  I have jazz playing softly and there is a gentle hum of the dryer while I am typing.  I like the peaceful aspect a whole lot better!

The third thing that I know I take for granted is the kindness of people.  Just the little things that they do.  This morning we went by the Kolache shop.  As I was walking up, a lady was walking back out to her car and she smiled and said good morning.  I returned the smile and greeting.  Then after I had made my purchase and was headed toward the door, a young man around 13 stopped and waited for me and held the door open for me as I was exiting.  I know there is a lot wrong in our country and a lot of really bad people and junk that happens daily...but, there is a lot of good also!  Just within the 5 minute span that it took me to get kolaches, I had 2 people use their kindness toward me.  And zero people cursed at me, or slammed a door in front of my face, or stuck their tongue out at one.  I take the kindness of people for granted, but I will try very hard not to anymore.  I want to look for the good in people and appreciate their efforts. 

There are many other things I take for granted and I could go on and on.  But these are the 3 things that occurred to me this morning.  You have to start somewhere.....I'm starting with these, today, and I will enjoy this life I've been given!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What exactly is laughter?

When I think about laughter, I think of many things.  That feeling that comes upon you and overpowers you in such a unique way. Like in the middle of church when something funny happens, and you know you can't laugh out you just try to hold it in, but then your eye catches your friend's eye and both of your bodies start shaking because you can't make any noise, but you can't control the laughter.  Or when it's midnight and you're on a road trip and someone says or does something that on any other given day would not be funny at all; but the laughter begins and you can barely catch your breath because you can't stop laughing.

I love these moments.  It usually doesn't happen everyday in such a huge way, but when it happens it's wonderful! Laughter releases a chemical in our brain called "endorphins".  Endorphins have many wonderful benefits: relieves stress and pain, and acts as a mood enhancer.  I love endorphins.

Sometimes a funny show can make you laugh; many times the things our kids say can make us laugh.  If you can find something to laugh about, you will be doing your health a favor! Seek out things, experiences, and people that can make you laugh.  Any of my close friends would know this fact about me--I love to play pranks.  I get WAY more enjoyment out of it than the people being pranked...but it allows my brain to release some endorphins...and endorphins are good!

Make today a "nice" prank on someone....find a comedian who makes you LOL, and see the difference it makes in your overall emotions! Happy thoughts everyone! :)

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Power of Words

Did you ever think..."I'd like to tell him a thing or two!"....or, "If they were standing right in front of me, I would tell them how I feel!"  Isn't it interesting how the things that we say can make or break someone's day?

A few weeks ago, I had arranged something with another psyc instructor for a day when I was going to be out of the classroom.  Somehow, the review sheet that was supposed to be for my class, ended up getting misplaced.  No big deal.......however, I was sent an email from a 3rd party pretty much reprimanding me for not having these review sheets in the proper place.  After I read that email (even though it wasn't my fault) I just felt "bad"; like someone had taken a pin and popped my "good mood bubble".  I spent most of the rest of the day feeling defeated.  Over what? Someone's words to me.  Words that didn't even need to be said, and which could have been said in such a nicer way.

So, today....I have been talking to friends and co-workers and I have received some very nice words.  One of my friends called me "super woman".....I needed to hear that! Because sometimes I feel like I'm running around putting out fires, meeting deadlines, making sure lunches get made and bills get paid.......but I don't always feel like "super woman". So, for her to point that out was quite a boost to my demeanor!

Another friend left me a voice mail saying that she was thinking about me and just said a prayer for me! be a thought in someone's brain for no particular reason is incredible!

Finally, someone told me that my children are so well behaved and they wished all children could be like them.  Talk about a compliment! I think as a parent, that is one of the best things you can hear; people complimenting your children.  Not because of anything in particular I have done, but through prayers and God's guidance I hope I have been the best parent I can be.

Our words are SO powerful!!  Think how you feel when someone says to you....."I've been looking over this data, and I think you have screwed up somewhere.".....and then think how it feels when someone says to you..."I think you are so awesome and incredible and I just wanted you to know!".....I like the latter.  So, before you say something to someone...think about what  Power you hold and choose to lift someone up today instead of tear them down. :))

Friday, October 29, 2010

Thoughts from a Stay-At-Home-Mom

I have been a Stay-At-Home-Mom for 15 years.  I teach psyc part time while the kids are in school, or mother's day out, etc. But, my main job is being at home with my kids.

I worked full-time last year and I have totally devleoped a new appreciation for working moms.  They have quite a load to carry, having to work as well as take care of their family.  But my heart still goes out to the Stay-at-home-moms because I was/am one.

Here are some of my thoughts:  Some days you feel very lonely; some days you don't feel like you are accomplishing anything; some days you feel like you're not contributing anything to your household; some days you don't take a shower until 2:00p.m. Those days happen often. The reality is, however, that you have chosen one of the best jobs in the entire world that anyone could ever choose.

If your heart is to stay at home and raise your kids and play with them and be involved in their lives......this will have long-lasting effects.  Not just on your kids, but on you as well.  Think of the memories that you get to keep with you long after the kids have grown up. 

They will think back on these days and remember you swinging them in the backyard, making grilled cheese sandwiches, playing with play-dough and playing hide -n- seek.  They will remember you laying down with them while they took their nap, trips to the zoo and McDonald's play place.  They probably don't even know you feel lonely, or unaccomplished, or stinky.  They love you just the way you are.  And they appreciate you even though you don't know it.

So working moms, you definitely have your challenges; Stay-at-home-moms....keep on doing what you do, because you're not alone, you are accomplishing great things and one day you will get to take that shower first thing in the morning!  Hold on to these moments. Cherish them. You have chosen such an outstanding job.  Take some moments and reflect in the beauty of your children. Love them, love yourself, and take heart knowing that you do make a difference!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Carrie Underwood Concert- Drunk people annoy me

So, my husband and I had awesome floor seats for the Carrie Underwood concert a few weeks ago.  Different couples were there together, moms and daughters were there, friends, families and a host of others. Now, I had purchased these tickets back in June so, these seats were REALLY good.  We were looking forward to a nice evening out.

We started out with dinner at one of our favorite sushi places, then headed out to the concert.  When we arrived, the concert employees were happy and extremely nice.  We made it down to our floor seats, 10 rows from the stage.  Two different acts opened up for Carrie.  By the time the "Carrie" portion of the show started, it was 9:00 (I'm usually brushing my teeth and in my p.j.'s by this time). However, it was totally worth my staying up past my bedtime.  When she sang "Temporary Home" it was so beautiful, chills went all over my arms.  I thought that was going to be the highlight of the show for me, but little did I know that when she sang "Jesus Take the Wheel", that she would be going right into the chorus of "How Great Thou Art".  I had tears of joy because I wasn't at a Christian concert, but I certainly felt the presence of God right there in the middle of that concert.

I know I live a sheltered life, but I couldn't help noticing all of the people who were sooooo drunk from the beer that they were consuming from the moment they got there until the end of the concert. Drunk women were dancing in the middle of the aisles, and the man next to me almost spilled his beer on me as he was crawling over me to get to his seat.  He then began to sing EVERY Carrie Underwood song at the top of his drunk lungs.  I paid a lot of money for these tickets and I really wanted to hear just Carrie, and not the drunk man doing a duet.  But the speakers were so loud that I could hear Carrie just fine.

The thing that makes me most annoyed is not really the fact that people were drinking, but that these drunk people were about to be on the same roads as me and my family.  Perhaps many of them had designated drivers; I hope so.  But I fear that most of them did not, as I watched many of them in the same parking area as me, get in the car and start the engine and take off to get on the freeways to go home.

Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that alters the part of the brain used for reasoning and good judgement.  That's why most people drink; to feel the effect of the drug.  So, doesn't it stand to reason that the same brain that is allowing you to dance in the aisles because you don't care what people the same brain that leads you behind the wheel to cross lines, and go down one way streets and potentially lose your bearings and crash into innocent people?

That's why drunk people annoy me.  The end.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Today in class, I lectured on dreams.  Why we dream certain things; why we remember our dreams, etc.  It's interesting that during REM when most dreaming occurs, the area in the frontal lobe used for reasoning is suppressed.  That's why the other night when I dreamed that Michael Jackson was knocking on my door delivering a pizza, I didn't think it was strange at all.

I opened the door, and said "'re Michael Jackson...with a pizza! Come on in!"  We dream several times during the night, but we mainly remember the last dream right before we wake up.  The more intense, bizarre, or interesting the dream is, the more likely we are to remember it.

Calvin Hall says that "A dream most often reflects the daily concerns and experiences of the dreamer".  So, that fact together with the fact that our reasoning skills are not working at full speed, explains why we might dream about a boss, a preacher, or a movie star and in our dream, we are married to them and live in our childhood homes.  It's memories and non-reasoning all mixed together.

On another note.  What's up with beauty contests?...I've never been a fan, but the more I think about it, the more ridiculous it sounds.  Why don't we have "beauty contests" for men?  Why is it always the prettiest girl gets the prize.  What ever happened to inner beauty and how much a person loves other people and does good things for society.  Why must they strut around in bikini's and resort to plastic surgery, etc. just to be given a crown?  Our society is a little mixed up when it comes to objectifying women.  And that's my thought about that.  Good night! :)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Life in a Medium Location

There was such a crisp, cool breeze as I rode my bike this morning.  Birds were chirping, not many people were out.  But as I continued riding, I began to think; Some people say they are from the Big City, others say they are from a small town.  I guess I'm in a medium location.

Toward the end of my bike ride, I saw a young men's soccer team out practicing; people setting up for a craft sale in the park, and a group of Little League kids having their pictures made.  I certainly wasn't riding my bike with miles of empty space and land, like in a small town.  I didn't have to watch out for taxi drivers and people in business suits like in the Big City.  It was just a casual bike ride with people doing many diverse things.  However, later today I will take a short 20 minute drive and go shopping at one of the best malls around!

I like living in a Medium location where there is a small town feel, and all around me there are Big City things to do.  This is an incredible world we live in, and I'm so blessed to be able to enjoy it!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Entry #1......"Thoughts for a Thursday"

A couple of my friends suggested that I start blogging.  So, I guess I will jump on the blogging bandwagon and take a stab at it.  I named my blog Mostly Sunny because that's how I try to see the world.  Sure there are going to be some clouds along the way, but I like to try and see the sun through it all.  If someone tells me that there is a 40% chance of rain, I like to respond, "Oh good, that means there is a 60% chance that it won't".

I teach psychology, and usually during every lecture, something funny happens.  Whether it's the material, or a student making a comment, etc.  I also encounter funny, interesting, intriguing things from time to time that makes for a good example for my classes.

I will be blogging about the things from my psychology class, mixed in with a little bit of outside lecture thoughts and experiences.  Today, we discussed Sleep Disorders.  From the difference between Insomnia and Sleep Apnea, to the possibilities of Sleep Walking.  Did you know that there have been cases of Sleep Eating, Sleep Driving, and even Sleep Murder?  One student shared with us that his nephew was sleep walking and ended up in the kitchen thinking it was the bathroom.  This is actually a very common occurrence in children who sleepwalk.  The student went on to say that he "smacked his nephew up side the head" and told him to go to the bathroom.  I encouraged him not to smack his nephew anymore :)  The class had a good laugh and it sparked other discussions among other students.

My other thought is this: When I took my 5 year old to gymnastics tonight, I was scanning the room as the children waited for their turn to go in.  Why do we insist that it is o.k. for the girls to have gymnastics outfits where their little booties are hanging out, but the boys would look absolutely ridiculous with their's hanging out? Why do we as a society/culture say that it's o.k. for girls to show their bodies while we let the boys cover-up?  You'll find that because I have a minor in women's studies, that I will question gender role differences from time to time.

Well, that's all for now and I will be blogging more soon!