Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Power of Words

Did you ever think..."I'd like to tell him a thing or two!"....or, "If they were standing right in front of me, I would tell them how I feel!"  Isn't it interesting how the things that we say can make or break someone's day?

A few weeks ago, I had arranged something with another psyc instructor for a day when I was going to be out of the classroom.  Somehow, the review sheet that was supposed to be for my class, ended up getting misplaced.  No big deal.......however, I was sent an email from a 3rd party pretty much reprimanding me for not having these review sheets in the proper place.  After I read that email (even though it wasn't my fault) I just felt "bad"; like someone had taken a pin and popped my "good mood bubble".  I spent most of the rest of the day feeling defeated.  Over what? Someone's words to me.  Words that didn't even need to be said, and which could have been said in such a nicer way.

So, today....I have been talking to friends and co-workers and I have received some very nice words.  One of my friends called me "super woman".....I needed to hear that! Because sometimes I feel like I'm running around putting out fires, meeting deadlines, making sure lunches get made and bills get paid.......but I don't always feel like "super woman". So, for her to point that out was quite a boost to my demeanor!

Another friend left me a voice mail saying that she was thinking about me and just said a prayer for me! be a thought in someone's brain for no particular reason is incredible!

Finally, someone told me that my children are so well behaved and they wished all children could be like them.  Talk about a compliment! I think as a parent, that is one of the best things you can hear; people complimenting your children.  Not because of anything in particular I have done, but through prayers and God's guidance I hope I have been the best parent I can be.

Our words are SO powerful!!  Think how you feel when someone says to you....."I've been looking over this data, and I think you have screwed up somewhere.".....and then think how it feels when someone says to you..."I think you are so awesome and incredible and I just wanted you to know!".....I like the latter.  So, before you say something to someone...think about what  Power you hold and choose to lift someone up today instead of tear them down. :))

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